and i thought i was good
and i thought i was good
dat default fl kick .-.
Lolz I'm using Ableton Live Suite 9 bud... XD
Nice job, this is nice for improv!
Thanks! Glad you like it!
lol this is unique..
Cheers man
Try making your sub-bass a sine instead of a saw... that would make it sound a whole lot better
ok thanks! il try that
The crash cymbals are too raw, and they generate too much white noise, or perhaps they're just too loud. Other than that, I really like it!
I know. Its such an old program sometimes Im not sure how to equalize that little stuff. Thanks for the honest review and I will work on it more.
Haha really unique! It has a very nice tone and feel to it. Were you going for a circus feel? That's what I was feeling while listening to this! Good job.
Thanks! I find my inspiration in old cartoons.
Do not forget to watch the promo for witch this was composed
Never played Legend of Zelda... Wish I had.. Kids I knew were playing it since I was in like 3rd grade.. Haha anyways nice funky tune!
Hey, you can still play zelda, it's not too late. Thanks for the comment!
Joined on 12/29/14